
You know you are supposed to have one & you know you are supposed to be writing blogs on a regular basis. BUT, what will you write about? When will you find the time? How do you get it on the website? How does Google know it is there?

Maintaining a blog with keyword rich content, can greatly increase the traffic to your site and ultimately increase sales. But who has the time or expertise to actually do all this writing? Our staff writers have the skill set to research topics including: upcoming events, restaurant openings, historic locations, tourist destinations, festivals, activities, cultural opportunities and more. We can write exquisite pieces on any topic ensuring that keywords are used in title tags, page headers, alt tags and in the body of the blog post. We can find photos (properly tagged with ALT Tags to help Google find you) and links to valuable information for your guests.

We create monthly blog posts which include keywords specific to your property and location, long tail phrases and relevant, constant new information. The articles are interesting and fact filled and keep your visitors coming back for more!

Blogging Is A Valuable Tool for Search Engine Optimization

Use of researched keywords

Inclusion of Long Tail phrases now so important with the use of voice activated digital assistance (think Alexa, Suri, etc.)
All images properly tagged with ALT tags to assist Google in finding you
Blog Post’s Subject Lines use of Keywords and coded with a H1 Tag
Constant, fresh & new information (Google LOVES that)
Become the Destination Expert for your guests

Website Content

There are lots of other things that can help your site be found on Google searches. We know the ins and outs and know how to get relevant content onto your site in the right spots doing the right job. Items we can help you with include:

A Valuable Tool for Search Engine Optimization

Applying keywords and long tail phrases within the content of the site

Create a FAQ page with questions and answers most commonly asked. This prepares you not only for Google searches BUT for voice activated searches on Alexa, Siri, Google, etc.

Build or add a BLOG to your site
Establish regular Blog postings utilizing current, relevant data, most commonly searched terms, keywords and phrases.
Help you write for the user NOT for the Search Engines.
Ensure title tags, alt tags and page headers are completely addressed on all posts
Ensure that there are internal links between the main body of the website and the blog
Cross market by having your blog posts automatically post to your social media channels
Create archives of past articles, newsletters, recipes, etc.
Have your social media feeds right on your blog. Create cross marketing opportunities everywhere.
Use your blog as “one stop shopping” for ALL THINGS in your city, state and inn.

Innkeepers will see incremental increases in monthly traffic to their site from each blog post. This will build over time so you are becoming “the source” of local information in your community driving traffic to your website and inn. You become the destination expert.

content based SEO Marketing

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People taking baking class

    From our Satisfied Clients…

    Great Advice - Saved So Much Money! - I originally spent thousands on a photographer. When it came time to get new photos, I found a local real estate agent who did a great job at a really reasonable price (8 bedrooms for $400). He also included a room sketch for each room which shows layout and dimensions. Great advice you gave about this - saved us a lot of $$.”
    Mass. innkeeper
    A Pleasant Experience - This whole experience has been so positive and so different from my last website building experience. It has been so pleasant.”
    Dorothy, owner, Valley Springs Farm
    Booking All the Time - Thanks to our wonderful new website, we are booking all the time!!”