Milliken website screenshot

Why You Need 22 Headers & Subheaders on a Page

We just launched the new website for Milliken House B&B in Eastport, Maine. It has a refined look and a one of a kind design and meets target metrics Google is looking for such as

  1. High number of photos per page – 12 images with alt text, on average.
  2. Lots of headers and subheaders – on average, top-performing URLs have 22 headers and subheaders. That kind of metric is used to identify a well-structured website with easily understood page sections. This is the kind of design that evokes good rankings on Google.
  3. A High Mobile Friendly Score – This means it meets Google’s mobile best-practices, including fast load times on various devices and little to no flash

Easy reading – Researchers also found that the average Flesch-Kincaid reading level for website pages that appear to rank well is the 7th grade.

So there are other fine points such as how many characters per paragraph and so on. Contact the iloveinns team to get what these best practices are:

Milliken House Gallery

Why Innkeepers Are So Frustrated with their Web Developers

We heard a lot of complaints this week about web developers.

Locked Out – “I really need to own my own website. Basically all I can do with the one I have is to change the rates. It was a flat monthly rate but I can’t do anything with it and it is my main marketing platform.”

Booking Suite Doesn’t Care – “I have a Booking Suite site and it takes them 3 weeks to get back to me on things I need (if I’m lucky). They are in Britain and don’t care. Not owning my own website sucks.”

Not Helpful – “I have a local developer but he is not very helpful or responsive to my requests.”

dog typing

How to FIX Your Website Problems

First, you need an audit by web developers who know the inn industry. You might have a brand new and beautiful website by a commercial designer but 99 times out of 100 they don’t know the backend secrets to ranking for lodging.

Get an audit and if you can catch what still needs to be done early, your developer might be able to fix these things under your contract.

Or alternatively, the team at i Love Inns can update your current site so it won’t be flagged by Google to lower your ranking. Our tech people can also make tweaks, edits and additions. Hourly rates apply or you get a maintenance contract – your choice.

two woman writing on a white board

10 Important Updates You Can Start Making to Your Website Tomorrow

Get Your Website Into Tip-Top Shape

Review your title tags and meta tags – (Frequently overlooked on new websites and DIY sites.)

Optimize your photos to make sure they load fast – (This can affect rankings.)

Image tagging – adding invisible alternate text which Google looks for

Run Speed Tests

Run SEO Tests

Make your site ADA Compatible

Add Pages, Blogs, Pop-Ups, Direct Booking Messages, social Media links

Correct or remove bad links, flash, old specials – Update everything from pricing to text to new photos, new reviews

Install uptime tracker which will send alerts if your site goes down

Analyze Google webmaster data on your site to review any problems

Run your Url through a content delivery network to filter out attacks to your server

Keeping your website up to date makes all the difference in where it appears on search engines and will bring you more traffic that stays longer on your site and improves your bookings.


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    People eating

    From our Satisfied Clients…

    God I love you! – Do you treat everyone like this or do you just feel sorry for me?”
    Penn, Innkeeper
    Wish I Would Have Done This Years Ago - “We worked together so well and made my website reflect the image I hoped for. I wish I had done this years earlier!”
    Getting Many Reservations - “I don't know if it is Covid or my brand new website but I'm getting so many reservations. Thank you. You are the best!”
    Kathy, owner